When you give to the Y you provide life-changing opportunities for children, adults and families.
The Y. For a better us.
The generosity of others is at the core of our existence. It is only through the support of our volunteers and public and private donors that we are able to give back to the communities we serve.
When you give to the Y, you make Chillicothe and Ross County stronger. As a leading nonprofit for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y uses your gift to nurture children and teens, improve community health and well-being and support those in need, right in your own neighborhood.
We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together.
That's why, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y works to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation's health and well-being, and give back and support neighbors.
Our Giving Society
By joining our rich legacy of past and current supporters, you create a brighter future for our children and families. You are making a powerful statement about the value of the Y in peoples' lives and in our community. You inspire others to give more generously.
Our Patron, Heritage and Legacy Sponsors are recognized in our facility on individual banners for their contribution to our mission. Partner sponsors are also recognized on our Partner Banner, along with other supporters in our community.