Phase 2 Guidelines - updated 9/21/20
We were so excited to reopening our YMCA back on June 1st. Through our reopening, we've learned a lot about how to protect our members and maintain a safe environment for everyone throughout our programs. We will shift to a Phase 2 Reopening on September 28th, which will include continued safety precautions along with reopening certain programs and spaces that have been limited during Phase 1.
For Programs:
We will complete the final four weeks of the session that was cut off by the mandated closure in March. All program participants should have been contacted by this point, but if you have not, please contact us immediately to coordinate class times.
Registration for the following session of programs (October 26 - December 18) will open during the week of September 28th.
Program participants (and their supervising adults) will go through health screening (temperatures) and questions prior to entry. Masks are required for all participants ages 10 and their supervising adults. Program participants may remove masks upon beginning their program/activity.
Anyone experiencing symptoms including, but not limited to fever, cough, chills, sore throat or other symptoms related to COVID-19 should not enter the YMCA.
For swim programs, parents/adults are expected to socially distance throughout the natatorium and not gather in groups. No more than 2 guests per participant.
For gymnastics programs, one (1) supervising adult may wait in the hallway outside of the gym for Twinkle Stars and Little Stars classes ONLY. For other programs, including gymnastics team, supervising adult should not gather within the building and should wait in the parking lot. Any special exceptions should be coordinated through the program director.
General Membership
Facility Hours will be slightly expanded during Phase 2. Opening hours can be viewed on our website and our phase 2 hours above.
Locker rooms will be reopened. Distancing and mask wearing are expected to remain in effect. Members are expected to support cleaning efforts by sanitizing shower stalls before and after each use. Staff will routinely deep clean each shower unit regularly, including during our periodic closures.
Members must maintain minimum of 6 feet distance.
All staff and members will have their temperature checked upon entering the facility.
Staff will be wearing personal protective equipment at all times. Members are required to wear masks while inside the YMCA, moving around the building, interacting with others, and entering/exiting the building. Exceptions for children 9 and under, while using the pool or while actively using fitness equipment.
There will be periodic 15-minute closures at 11:00PM and 2:00PM daily for deep cleaning.
We will have controlled access to the facilities through one entrance for membership, one for child care programs.
Out of respect for other members, limit time on all cardio equipment if others are waiting.
Group exercise classes have resumed with distancing enforced, and in some classes, limited capacity.
No group basketball games. One household unit per half court.
Reservations required for lap swim times, which can be made through the mobile app and through our Welcome Center.
No towel service.
Coffee will not be available.
No guests will be permitted except for Nationwide YMCA members.
Spin bikes are available.
Only every other cardio equipment will be used.
Members must disinfect equipment before and after use.
Members must wash hands before and after working out with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Increased signage throughout the building to encourage social distance, hand-washing and remind members to disinfect equipment.
Child Watch will remain closed at this time.
We will continue to review these guidelines regularly and communicate changes through Facebook, our website and at the Y to meet federal, state and local guidelines. We will continue providing virtual resources for our members who are still sheltering at home.
Health and Safety Guidelines and Prevention
We are committed to providing a clean and safe environment for our members, staff and program participants. We will be adhering to all CDC guidelines, as well as state and local guidelines in order to protect everyone who walks into our facility.
Child Care & Day Camp Guidelines
We are thrilled to offer camp this summer, and are committed to providing fun and adventure for your child while keeping them safe. We have learned over the last few months how to keep children safe in these unprecedented times. We will be following all CDC, YUSA, local health department and state guidelines, which means camp will be a little different this summer to ensure the health and safety of our campers.
Check-in and check-out will be supported with a dedicated support person.
All campers will have their temperature checked at check-in. Temperature must be below 100.0 to remain at preschool / camp.
Any child with a temperature above 100.0 will not be allowed to return for two weeks.
Campers must wash/sanitize hands before and after each activity/meal.
School-Age and Preschool groups will be limited to a 1:9 ratio. Toddler groups will be limited to a 1:6 ratio.
Groups will eat and complete activities with their group only. Efforts will be made to minimize mixing of groups at any time.
Minimize children's personal effects for easy of cleaning.
Children will have access to the YMCA playground, but swimming is not currently permitted by state restrictions.
All children should bring a refillable water bottle with them.
We will not be conducting field trips.
There will be heightened cleaning throughout the day.
Limited number of total campers due to spacing/occupancy guidelines.
We will review our guidelines throughout the summer and make any changes as necessary. Any revisions to our guidelines will be communicated through email, our website and social media.